
Down South
August 30, 2019, 6:23 am
Filed under: unrelated thoughts

Winter in the South is ending, the afternoon air is near warm, hovering just under twenty degrees.  The sweaters and blankets will pack away.  Everyone will go to the beaches.  Winter around this latitude is just about right, always cozy, rarely cold.  A break to make the other weather, warm and sunny, feel even more welcome.

We go sailing, out past the harbor, on a clear day, watching the contours of the coastline move slowly from the netting of the catamaran.  It’s better to say we are taken sailing; we don’t bear responsibility for hoisting the sails or cutting the engine or giving right of way.

August 6, 2019, 6:47 pm
Filed under: unrelated thoughts

Sometimes I think my partner is the most quietly ambitious person I know.

He gets this look on his face and it’s obvious he’s going to do the thing, somehow.

And then it will be great, something exceptional will happen, and he won’t really tell anyone.  Not even his mother, who he talks to all the time.  He just adds it to the pile and moves on, briefly satisfied, never still.

And behind him he leaves this trail of creations, one by one by one.

Relocations II
August 3, 2019, 1:29 pm
Filed under: nomadisms

After a protracted two months of conference calls and contracts, it turns out a move is  happening after all.  To a big city, again, at least for awhile. The first six weeks, very noncommittally, will be spent in a short term furnished rental.  Opportunity knocks and all that.

(A lot like the last time a move to a big city happened, except there awhile turned out to be five and a half years.)

This month marks one and a half years of not owning any furniture, not having a steady mailing address, not being very settled.   A period of strange beds and kitchens, variable showers and always re-packing.  This isn’t ending immediately but both of us have been feeling the pull back towards staying in place, the scales tilting in favor of stability again.


When the housesitting was over we drove down the coast, stopping in small towns.

We hiked a trail on a nature reserve, spotting (and smelling) huge seal colonies down the cliffside.  Found a cluster of small town museums, the good and weird and strange.  Debated the merits of ten year old concerts on DVD with an enthusiastic pizza maker.  Accidentally went to a nightclub and watched the bartender flare with enthusiasm, on purpose went to several fifth-wave coffee shops to find the sour dark coffee we’d been missing.  Talked to the woman cooking my late night fried halloumi about the merits of drinking on the job (she wasn’t).  Had long brunches in a friendly downtown hotel and by the warm morning fires of a wine estate.  Considered the products of late harvest grapes and pot stills.  Watched the Lion King in 3D and took bets on whether the crowd would contain itself from joining in with ‘nants ingonyama bagithi babaaaaaa’, because how can you not?

It was a good trip.